Forum für traditionelles Wu Tai Chi Chuan
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Forum für traditionelles Wu Tai Chi Chuan » Frequently Asked Questions » Smilies Legend » Hello Guest [Login|Register]

Smilies are small graphics which represent emotions. If you sometimes chat, you probably know the concept. Some standard codes or strings are automatically converted into smilies. If you turn your head on the side and use your imagination, you can probably recognize little faces.

Here is a list of the Smilies available in this forum:

Name/Meaning Code Graphic
großes Grinsen :D großes Grinsen
Teufel :evil: Teufel
Baby :baby: Baby
Augen rollen :rolleyes: Augen rollen
Augenzwinkern ;) Augenzwinkern
Zunge raus :P Zunge raus
smile :) smile
böse X( böse
fröhlich =) fröhlich
unglücklich :( unglücklich
Freude :] Freude
geschockt 8o geschockt
traurig ;( traurig
cool 8) cool
verwirrt ?( verwirrt
rotes Gesicht :O rotes Gesicht
Zunge raus :tongue: Zunge raus
If you don't want smilies in a post, check the 'Deactivate Smilies' box when posting. Then ;) will stay as it is and not be converted.

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